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The life cycle of a string bean plant has four stages. These stages are, seed, germination, leaf growth, and flowering.

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Q: What is the life cycle of a string bean plant?
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Life cycle of a bean plant?

4 stages.

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What is a life cycle of a bean?

the life cycle of a bean plant is that the 1 thing is the seed the second part is when is the seed with spiky stuff on it the third thing is that the life is so grown and the leaves are showing the 4 is that is grown like a flower. i love joshua in school 8 and alfredo and sean and fabian ashanti was here

What is a life cycle of a plant?

A life cycle of a plant is easy. First the seed is in the soil and produces roots, then it grows a sprout. It will only grow if it gets enough water and sunlight. Then the roots find water to drink and the sprout gets taller and taller. Then it blooms flowers. When it is about to die, it drops seeds in the ground and the life cycle begins again.

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What is the life cycle of a plant from a seed?

The seed germinates and the plant grows larger. Plants do not have a life cycle of several stages.

What are the stages of life cycle of a flowering plant?

the stages of flowering plant's life cycle starts as a seed then the seedling,mature plant and finally death.

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