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Loss of feeling in the bladder could be a symptom of Peripheral Neuropathy. Which is the only big affliction I can think of at the moment. Let me give you the sneak peek into PN (Peripheral Neuropathy)

CAUSE: Genetic/Acquired. Trauma, Nutritional Deficiencies, Alcohol dependency and many others. The cause can be varying since any damage to the Peripheral Neural System (System that transmits ALL info from the Brain to the rest of the Body).

SYMPTOMS: Depends on which part is affected/injured.

DIAGNOSIS: Since the symptoms range from extremes to possibly unnoticed, diagnosis can be difficult. Tests such as CT (Computed tomography), MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging ), EMG (Electromyography) can all be used to pin point the diagnosis.

TREATMENT: No specific treatment. The underlying cause is identified and symptomatic treatment is administered. Peripheral nerve cells regenerate as long as the cell itself is not dead. Although, PN caused by systemic problems (caused from inside, not by trauma) could be difficult to treat.

Hope this answers your question.

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