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In captivity I know for a fact that they can live up to eight years. The key is a

stable enviroment. I wish someone would do research on their time clock of life.

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Q: What is the lifespan of a cardinal tetra?
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Where do cardinal tetra swim in what posiosion of the tank?

Mid water

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I'm getting a new Tetra for my aquarium. I am unfamiliar with the Tetra species. I already have a Cardinal Tetra, plus some Neons. The Flame Tetra is featured on a postage stamp from Cuba.

What is the latin name for a cardinal tetra?

The freshwater fish "Paracheirodon axelrodi" of the characin family (Characidae).

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Cardinal tetra, catfish, cherry barb, cichlid, clown barb, convict cichlid, and cory are a few.

Will one cardinal tetra school with neon tetras?

Yes I'm fairly certain. I have 1cardinal and 4 neons and they all swim together...

What is the lifespan of a black skirt tetra?

I've had mine for 7 years and still going strong. Because I'm a beginner, his care has not always been ideal.

Will a neon tetra and a cardinal tetra coexist with a male and female Betta?

The problem will not be the tetras coexisting with the Bettas. It will be the female Betta. She will undoubtedly be killed by the male. He may well spawn her first but afterwards, if she is left in his presence he will kill her. Also if he has ova or fry to look after he will kill the tetras in defence of his young.

How old is tetra?

tetra is 11\12

What is tetra plus one?

tetra and 1

What are some Fishes that begin with the letter c?

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Do Betta and Tetra breed?

nobetta will kill tetra

What is tetra's car?

tetra's car is the audi R8.