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The only place that these membranes have cilia is the upper respiratory tract. This upper part is called the mucocillary escalator. It helps to keep the lower tract sterile and remove mucus. You swallow this mucus and microbes and the strong acid in the stomach kills them. There are other openings to the outside, the oral cavity, urogenital canals and the digestive tract at the anus. All have mucus membranes. These protect the underlining tissues and entrap microbes as well.

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Q: What is the lining of the body cavities and passages that open to the outside contains mucus and cilia that trap microorganisms and other pathogens and prevent them from entering the body?
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Mucus entraps microorganisms entering the respiratory passages.

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How does cilia prevent pathogens from entering your body?

Cilia protect your body from pathogens up to a certain extent. The cilia in your lungs prevent dust particles and other such particles you breathe from entering your lungs by trapping them and sweeping them away. The cilia located on the cell membrane prevents certain substances from entering the selectively permeable cell membrane through that same manner. However, if you get a cut or something, cilia are not really going to protect pathogens from entering your body from that cut.

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No, that is the job of the various white blood cells.

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Wash your hands often.