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The short answer is: "Earth quakes cause tsunamis"

A more detailed response:

Earth quakes move earth -- including the Earth that is beneath the sea. The moving land causes the water above it to move. That displaced water then travels in waves until it hits the land. If the waves are high & powerful enough, they can break through wave barriers & cause damage to people, buildings, crops, etc.

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Q: What is the link between earthquakes and tsunamis?
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Related questions

What is the relationship between tsunami and earthquakes?

Earthquakes often generate tsunamis. See the related link below:

Is there a connection between earthquakes and tidal waves?

Yes. Earthquakes at subduction zones can trigger tsunamis.

Do tsunamis cause earthquakes?

Earthquakes are one (but not the only) cause of tsunamis.

Are earthquakes related to tsunamis?

Yes. Most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes.

Are earthquakes below the surface called tsunamis?

Mo, they are known as earthquakes but the earthquakes cause the tsunamis.

Are earthquakes related to landslides or tsunamis?

Earthquakes can trigger both landslides and tsunamis.

Why all tsunamis don't cause earthquakes?

Tsunamis do not not cause earthquakes at all. Tsunamis are usually the result of an undersea earthquake.

What are tsunamis triggered by?

Tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes due to vibrations.

Are there earthquakes volcanoes hurricanes and tsunamis at he nazca plate boundary?

The plate boundary between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate does produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Hurricanes have nothing to do with plate boundaries.

Can energy be released in an earthquake that can cause landslides and tsunamis?

No, because earthquakes can cause landslides but not tsunamis in other words earthquakes under the ocean can lead to tsunamis

Why are tsunamis associated with earthquakes?

Well, earthquakes do cause tsunamis. But only underwater earthquakes. Plus, they have to be a transform plate boundary earthquake(caused by subduction).Any displacement of water will cause a tsunami. In short, some underwater earthquakes cause tsunamis.

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