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Q: What may be triggered by submarine slides tsunamis liquefaction earthquakes?
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What are tsunamis triggered by?

Tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes due to vibrations.

What 3 other types of destructive events that can be triggered by earthquakes?

Landslides, tsunamis,and soil liquefaction

Are earthquakes related to tsunamis?

Yes. Most tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes.

What are four ways the earthquakes cause damage?

It is Tsunamis, Aftershocks, Liquefaction, and Shaking.

Are tsunamis connected to any other natural phenomena?

Yes. Tsunamis are often triggered by earthquakes.

What are five hazards caused by earthquakes?

Earthquakes can cause grounds shaking, tsunamis, landslides and rockfalls, subsidence and lateral spreading, and liquefaction.

Do earthquakes trigger tsunami's?

Tsunami's can be triggered by earthquakes that happen underneath the ocean floor.

How are earthquakes and tsunamis alike?

There are similar in the following ways:Both are a kind of natural calamity.Both cause loss of lives and property.Both can't be predicted till now.

Can tsunamis be refered to as seismic waves?

No. Seismic waves are the actual vibrations in the ground generate by an earthquake. Tsunamis are a different matter, nor are all tsunamis triggered by earthquakes.

Is a tsunami weather related or geology related?

Since tsunamis are usually triggered by earthquakes they are geology related.

Do tsunamis have weather geologic or humans cause?

Tsunamis are geologic in origin. Typically they are triggered by earthquakes, but other causes can include landslides and volcanic eruptions.

Why tsunamis do not occur after earthquake?

Aftershocks are the results of the Pressure Plates being unstable, and are still adjusting or moving. The earthquake from September 4, 2010 in Christchurch will be having aftershocks for about 1 and a half more years.