

What is the liquid bees gather?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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nectar (Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.)

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Q: What is the liquid bees gather?
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What do bees do to help plants?

They gather the necter

Why do bees gather nectar?

To make honey.

What are some bees adaptations?

bees' adaptations are that they female bumble bees have a barbed stinger if in danger and fur to gather more pollen

Honey bees collect?

The worker bees go out to collect pollen and nectar which they bring back to the Hive for food and to make honey. Honey bees eat honey and pollen as their primary food, but they also gather liquids and juices from plant and fruit exudates. When honey bees come across insects that secrete honeydew, they gather the liquid and store it as honey. When pollen, nectar, or honeydew aren't available, honey bees can collect and store plant spores and dusty animal feed as well.

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Only predators have prey. Bees are not predators. Whether bees gather together to seek guidance from above? Never seen it myself, but who knows....

Why do bees gather in one corner of the hive?

That's probably where the queen is.

What liquid do bees get from flowers?


How do you make a sentence with the word nectar?

The flower's sweet nectar attracts bees to pollinate it. Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.

Why are there different types of bees?

Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))

How many bees leave the hive to gather nectar at one time?

About 25%

How beekeepers gather the honey from a beehive?

They smoke out the bees before removing the honeycombs.

What do bees gather to feed the larvae and other members of the bee colony?
