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Q: What liquid do bees get from flowers?
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What is the liquid bees gather?

nectar (Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.)

What sugary liquid do bees suck when they vist flowers?


What sugary liquid do bees get from flowers?

The sweet fluid produced by plants and collected by bees is known as nectar.

What is sweet liquid made by flowers bees use it to make honey?

Nectar.It comes from flowers.Most bees like honeysuckle nectar.

What is the sweet liquid made by some flowers that help in the transfer of pollen by birds and bees?


How do the actions of the bees help the flowers survive?

how do the actions of the bees help flowers survive

Do bees make flowers die?

No, bees don't make flowers die .Bees use flowers pulp to make honey.

Do bees help flowers survive?

nector is in the flowers and the bees use nector for their honey so the suck it out of the flowers and take it back to their hives

How do bees and flowers interact?

Its called 'interdependence.' The flowers need the bees to pollinate them to survive, but the bees need the flowers so they can make honey, and the female bees pollinate flowers and keep pollen on there legs to feed there larve.

What does the flowers benefit the honey bees on?

The flowers carry nectar, so when the bees collect the nectar they eat it. That helps produce the honey. The nectar in the flowers is the bees food source. Without flowers, the bees would all die out.

Bees do not uaually visit flowers of what color?

Bees will visit flowers of any colour.

Is honey found in bees or flowers?

Bees make honey using nectar from flowers