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Come, come O Lord, who on Sinai in the majesty of Thy glory gave the people the law from above.

'Adonai' is Hebrew for Lord. The rest is in Latin.

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Q: What is the literal translation of veni veni Adonai qui populo in Sinai legem dedesti vertice in majestate gloriae in English?
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I'll do my best with two years of Latin under my belt.Ego - I; Sum - am (present tense); Rex - nominitive of rex, regis, 'king'; Gloriae - renownI am a king of renown (glory / fame).Ego is the subject, "I". Like in Spanish, this pronoun may be omitted because the verb tells you who is talking. Sum is a present, first-person tense of the verb 'to be' (sum, es, est / sumus, estis, sunt)--it means, on its own, 'I am.' The inclusion of 'ego' works to emphasize it. *I* am, me and only me. Rex is in the nominitive case, which means a subject; it sort of stands alone. It's modified by 'gloriae', which is the genitive form of 'gloria', the word for glory or fame. Genitive means it's possessive. It emphasizes 'of glory', 'king of glory/fame'--meaning glory owns the king.Hope that helps."I Am" Saint GermainAscended Master Saint GermainGolden Book of Saint Germain

What is the Latin translation of All is Fleeting?

Memor Senior totus palma est volatilis.Answerrecordar que el senor toda la Gloria es efimero is the answer to this question! Answerrecordar que el senor toda la Gloria es efimero is the answer to this question! Well, the first is not good Latin, and the next is Spanish - not Latin.Domine memento totalitas gloriae fluxa.

All glory and honor are yours?

I don't totally understand the question. But I am a very spiritually focused person and when I hear the words glory and honor together, I think of the glory and honor that is due God. People do deserve some honor, some more than others, obviously. But I do not feel we deserve glory. Glory belongs to God alone. Even scripture says that God will not share His glory with anyone. That's my thoughts about it.

What is the motto of Modern Education Schools?

The motto of Perth Modern School is 'Savoir C'est Pouvoir'.

What is death or glory in latin?

To say the words death or glory in the Latin language you say mortis et gloriae. To say this phrase in Italian you say la morte o la Gloria.Death or glory in Latin should be "Mors aut Gloria." "Mors" refers to "death," "aut" refers to "or," and "Gloria refers to "glory."

Whats the lyric of Adventi Enek of Zoltan Kodaly?

Veni veni, Emmanuel captivum solve Israel, qui gemit in exilio, privatus Dei Filio. R: Gaude! Gaude!Emmanuel,nascetur pro te Israel!Veni, O Iesse virgula, ex hostis tuos ungula, de spectu tuos tartari educ et antro barathri. R.Veni, Clavis Davidica, regna reclude caelica, fac iter tutum superum, et claude vias inferum. R.Veni, veni O Oriens, solare nos adveniens, noctis depelle nebulas, dirasque mortis tenebras. R.Veni, veni, Adonai, qui populo in Sinai legem dedisti vertice in maiestate gloriae. R.

Do you have a certain amount of days that you can back out of an automobile contract without being penalized or bound to the contract?

No, you do not. Many people think that you do, and your friends will likely assure you that they know this is true, but they are wrong. No state automatically grants a recission period for automotive purchases, and most dealerships have signs all over the place stating that all sales are final and it's very common for contracts to have a section in bold print stating that you cannot change your mind and return the car. Normally this is not at all hard to find, because it's to the dealership's advantage to be able to prove that they didn't mislead you, because see, right here in the contract, fax mentis incendium gloriae, et cetera et cetera, memo bis punitor delicatum! It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal!

What does Gloria mean in Spanish and de?

Gloria (lat. gloria, gloriae) joy, delight, as in "estar en la gloria"; the power, the pleasure and the eternity of Christ; the Heaven (la gloria del Señor). It is also use as a name for women, Mi amiga se llama Gloria "My friend's name is Gloria".De (lat. de). 1. A preposition in Spanish that expresses possession. It is the genitive in Spanish; i.e.: La casa de mis primos "My cousins' house". 2. With the verb "venir" or "llegar" expresses origin; to finish a visit or an action, vengo de España "I come from Spain"; Ya llegué/vine de correr (I just came from running). Apenas vinimos de la casa de mis amigos "We have just arrived from my friends' house". 3. The material with which something is made Las puertas son de madera "the doors are made of wood".