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Alcoholic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Up to 35 percent of heavy drinkers develop alcoholic hepatitis. Symptoms may include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and tenderness, fever and jaundice. In its mild form, alcoholic hepatitis can last for years and will cause progressive liver damage. The damage may be reversible if you stop drinking. In its severe form, the disease may occur suddenly, after binge drinking, and it can quickly lead to life-threatening complications.

Alcoholic cirrhosis is the most serious type of alcohol-induced liver disease.Cirrhosis refers to the replacement of normal liver tissue with scar tissue. Between 10 and 20 percent of heavy drinkers develop cirrhosis, usually after 10 or more years of drinking. Symptoms of cirrhosis are similar to those of alcoholic hepatitis. The damage from cirrhosis is not reversible, and it is a life-threatening disease. Your condition may stabilize if you stop drinking.

Many heavy drinkers will progress from fatty liver to alcoholic hepatitis and finally to alcoholic cirrhosis, though the progression may vary from patient to patient. The risk of developing cirrhosis is particularly high for people who drink heavily and have another chronic liver disease such as viral hepatitis C.


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14y ago
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13y ago

Liver disease can be caused by alcohol. Usually this type of liver disease is known as "alcoholic liver disease", or when it has progressed to end-stage, "alcoholic cirrhosis". This is a condition whereby the hepatocytes (liver cells) have ended up storing the excessive amounts of sugar consumed (from alcohol). This means that the hepatocytes have "no room left" to perform other liver functions, causing progressive scarring of the liver. The excessive sugars are stored in the liver as fat, which also leads to the term "alcoholic fatty liver disease" (as opposed to "nonalcoholic fatty liver disease", which is the term used for when the disease is diet related (i.e too much fat and sugar in the diet), as opposed to alcohol related).

There is a type of French pate called fois gras, which is the fattened liver of a goose. Essentially the goose's liver, when it is fattened (by force feeding the goose), reflects all the features of "fatty liver disease" in humans.

However not all liver diseases are caused by alcohol. About 1/3 of all adult liver disease cases are alcohol related. The rest can be genetic, autoimmune, viral etc...

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11y ago

Cirrhosis of the liver. That is when alcohol causes scarring of the liver which interferes with its functioning. It causes fluid buildup around the liver, pain, toxic blood chemistries, and eventually death. It is a very tough way to die. Alcoholism is not the only cause. Infectious hepatitis is also a cause. In that case, one or more viruses cause scarring of the liver.

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13y ago

Look under Causes:

Alcohol will elevate the enzyme level in the liver,result in unwell feelings,enlargement of the organ & will caused a severe inflammation

if one's don't stop drinking.

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Lvl 3
3y ago

Yes, it is true that Liver disease can be caused because of drinking heavily. Liver become fatty and it can also lead to liver cirrhosis. The only reason is not alcohol but the daily routine diet too because people usually eat junk food and fried foods, it is also the reason of liver disease. If a person has liver disease and still drinking heavily, it can lead to liver damage. Drinking is the major cause of liver problems and the person need to avoid drinking to live a healthy lifestyle. BLK Hospital is the best for the treatment for liver disease but if it diagnose it early stage it can be better for patient otherwise situation can be critical sometimes.

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12y ago

Abusing alcohol constantly for decades is one of the causes of cirrhosis of the liver.

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12y ago

Cirrhosis can sometimes result from decades of heavy abusive drinking.

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13y ago

Cirrhosis is the liver disease that can be caused by alcohol.

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Q: What is the liver disease caused by drinking heavily over many years?
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What is the liver disease caused by drinking heavily for many years?

Cirrhosis is a slow progressing disease of the liver where healthy liver tissue is gradually replaced with scar tissue. The liver can no longer filter toxins like drugs and alcohol.

What is the liver disease casused by drinking heavily for many years?

Hepatic cirrhosis

What causes cirrhosis?

The most common and well known causes of cirrhosis are alcoholic liver disease (which is caused by people drinking heavily for a prolonged period, usually at least a decade) and Hepatitis, both B and C. Other causes are diseases that affect the liver, such as Wilson's Disease. Cirrhosis is essentially scarring of the liver, so all of it's causes are things that affect the liver.

Can you give a sentence with the word predispose?

Original answer: Drinking heavily exposes people to liver problems.Does not fit the criteria requested by the Asker.New answer: Drinking heavily can make a person predisposed to liver problems.

What is the liver disease caused by excessive alcohol?

Cirrhosis of the liver.

How does alcohol damage the liver?

It causes fatty tissue to build up in the liver, it suppresses enzymes needed to break down toxins in the body, and it causes scar tissue to form inside the liver (cirrhosis).

What diseases can be caused by alcohol?

Heart disease, Cirrhosis, liver disease

What are the causes of fatty liver disease?

Fatty liver disease can be caused by factors such as obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, diabetes, rapid weight loss, and certain medications. Genetics and certain medical conditions can also predispose individuals to fatty liver disease.

Which diseases or disorders affect your liver?

There are over 100 known forms of liver disease caused by a variety of factors. They affect anyone from infants to older adults. Examples are:CirrhosisAny of the hepatitis infectionsLiver cancerLiver flukesHemochromatosisReye syndromeWilson diseasePrimary biliary cirrhosis (PBC),Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)Autoimmune hepatitisTyrosinemiaAlpha 1 antitrypsin deficiencyGlycogen Storage diseaseFatty liver disease

What brain damage is caused by drinking alcohol?

it is damege to the liver

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When they are a round birds that are diseased. It is caused in the liver.