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The logical flaw in that myth is that you can't possibly fly using wings of wax and feathers.

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Q: What is the logical flaw of the legend Daedalus and Icarus?
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One flaw of a paradox is that it can lead to logical inconsistencies or contradictions. This can make it difficult to use paradoxes in a clear and coherent argument.

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"Dei" means day "ara" means flaw It could mean "day flaw", a flaw in the day. However... "deido" means mud a much more logical meaning would be an adaptation from mud, which coud refer to how his art is made of clay, or "mud"

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sadly, no. It was possibly the only flaw many critrics found in the game, getting stuck on raised terrain with no way to jump.

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A fallacy of syllogism occurs when the conclusion drawn in a logical argument does not logically follow from the premises presented. This can happen when there is a flaw in the structure of the syllogism, leading to an invalid or unsound argument.

Define logical fallacy?

A logical fallacy is a flaw in reasoning that makes an argument invalid or unsound. It can be due to incorrect reasoning or misuse of logic to lead to a false or misleading conclusion. Identifying fallacies helps in constructing and evaluating strong arguments.

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Throughout the various versions of the grand legend of King Arthur and Camelot, a fatal character flaw, or perhaps several, eventually causes the fall of Camelot. From the flaw of desire (and/or lack of self-discipline), the infidelity of Guinevere and Lancelot typically appears as a primary cause. Another typical flaw is the jealousy (or the mere ambition) of Mordred, supposed illegitimate son of Arthur, who is sometimes claimed to have been born through a character flaw of Arthur himself.

What is without flaw?

without flaw is an adjective. without flaw means perfection.when someone is without flaw they are perfect. to be without flaw can be used to descirbe a feeling but never a person . Flaws means that you are perfect and nothng is wrong with you. Example: Her tooth was missing in the front and she thinks that is her flaw.

What is Demeters flaw?

Demeter is not known for any flaw.

How can flaw be used in a sentence?

There was a flaw in the scientist's machine.

What is the homophone for flaw?

The homophone for flaw is "floor."