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The long form of radar can be many different things. Radar stands for Radio Detection And Range in the USA military.

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Q: What is the long form of radar?
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Does radar have a long a or short?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

Does radar have a short a or long a?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

Radar waves are too long or too short to be seen?

Radar waves are too long to be seen.

Does radar have a short or long vowel sound?

The word radar has a long A sound for the first A, and an umlaut A (ahr) for the second A.

What is the full form of radar in air force?

fulll form of force

Does Radar have a long or short a vowel sound?

The first A in radar has a long A (ay) sound, the second an umlaut A sound (ahr).

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How do you write radar in plural form?

The noun radar does not have a plural form. Radar is an uncountable noun, a word for a system of detecting distant objects to determine their position, velocity, or other characteristics by analysis of very high frequency radio waves. Radar is an uncountable aggregate noun, a word representing an indefinite number of parts. The word radar began as an acronym for: RAdio Detecting And Ranging

Are radar waves too long or too short to be seen?

Too Long.

RADAR or radar?

The original usage was RADAR since it is an acronym (RAdio Detection And Ranging) and people encountering it in written form may have thought it a typographical error were it not capitalized.But now that radar has left the realm of esoteric physics and technology and entered the common man's vocabulary, it is usually seen in its lower-case form. At this time upper or lower-case usage depends on the preference of the user.

Are radar waves too short to see?

no they are too long

Does a radar gun work in the rain?

I would assume so. Radar is just another form of electromagnetic radiation, just like light. I would infer that if you can see through the rain (that's light), then other forms of electromagnetic radiation (such as radar) can also pass through the rain. Of Course, I would also assume that the range and effectiveness of the radar gun would be reduced at least a small bit. As long as the radar is functional normal rain water will not have any effect on it working to detect speed.