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the longest part of a nerve cell is called the Axon.

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Q: What is the long part of the neuron that extends out from the body cells?
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What are the longest cells in the human body and how long are they?

The longest cells are neurons (nerve cells) linking the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to other parts of the body. For example, for every receptor cell in your feet, there is a sensory neuron extending from the foot to the base of the spine.

What is a long thin extension of the cell body of a neuron?

An Axon. I believe that is what you are asking for.

A is for what part of the neurone that carries impulses away from the cell body?

A is for the axon, which is a long, thin extension of a neuron that carries impulses away from the cell body towards other neurons or target cells.

What does a neuron look like?

The parts of a generic neuron are:- soma - cell body axon - upto 1 meter long dendrite - many

What is The largest cell in the body is?

While axons of the neuron are often mere micrometres thick, they can be up to a meter long (and longer in adults). This makes the neuron the longest cell in the body.

What are the two parts the neuron is split up into?

There are actually 3 parts to a neuron. The dendrites are tree branch like projections that receive nerve impulses from another neuron, the cell body that contains the nucleus, and the axon, a long fiber that carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body to the next neuron.

What type of cell is the longest in the human body?

The longest cells are neurons (nerve cells) with a length of 90cm-100cm linking the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to other parts of the body.

A single long strand coming out of a neuron that carry messages away from the cell body?


What is a long bundle of neuron that carries messages to and from the body and brain?

Peripheral nervous system.

How does the shape of a nerve help them?

Each cell type has evolved a shape that is best related to its function. For example, the neuron in Figure below has long, thin extensions (axons and dendrites) that reach out to other nerve cells. The extensions help the neuron pass chemical and electrical messages quickly through the body.

What is the long thin extension of the cell body of a neuron which is the conductor of nerve impulses?

An axon is the long extension of a nerve cell body. The dendrites are the short branches.

What are the parts of neuron and its function?

The three main parts of a neuron are the soma (cell body), the axons, the long trailing output of a neuron and the dendrite or dendritic tree. Almost all neurons have axons, but not all axons have a dendritic tree.