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It is called Stamen.

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Q: What is the long slender part of the pistil on a flower called?
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Which part of a flower is long and sticks out of a flower?

The Pistil, comprising of the style and stigma

Can flowers with pistil but without stamen reproduce?

Yes, as long as the flower has the pistil and compatible pollen grains are available through pollenation

How long is it till a bee goes to a stamen flower and then a pistil flower and pollinates?

around 4 in a half weeks

What is the long neck of the pistil called?


What are amphibians with long slender bodies that keep their tails as adults called?

Amphibians with long slender bodies that keep their tails as adults are called salamanders. They differ from lizards in that they spend a portion of their lives in the water.

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What are amphibians with long slender bodies that keep their tails as adults are?

Amphibians with long slender bodies that keep their tails as adults are called salamanders. They differ from lizards in that they spend a portion of their lives in the water.

What is a long slender sword called in france?

A rapier (double edged). When three-sided, an epee.

What does stamen look like?

Stamen typically consist of a stalk and an anther, this is according to Wikipedia. Stamen is the pollen producing reproductive organ of any particular flower.

What is a long slender rabbit called?

You are probably referring to tans, English spots, Himalayans or Belgian Hares

What flower is purple and grows long and smells great and also grows in Georgia tbilisi?

they are called syringa or lilac flower they are called syringa or lilac flower

What is the internal structure of a flower?

Flowers are main reproductive part of plants. The flower parts are arranged in 4 whorls. The first whorl constitutes of the calyx, the second constitutes of the corolla, third androecium and fourth gynoecium. Androecium and gynoecium are the male and female reproductive parts. The androecium consists of the anthers and staminal tube. They release pollen. The gynoecium consists of ovary that has ovules which are female gametes. The ovary has a long tube like structure called style which has a terminal stigma, which accepts pollen.