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Q: What is the longest word that are made up of consonants?
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Is faster a consonant?

Faster is a word, made up of consonants and vowels. A and E are vowels. The rest are consonants.

Longest word with qwertyuiop?

The longest word that can be made up from the letters "qwertyuiop" is the following:Typewriter

What is the word dish a consonant or vowel?

The word dish is a noun. We don't say a word is a consonant or a vowel because words are made up of consonants and vowels. Dish has 3 consonants -- d,s,h. Dish has one vowel -- i

What is a supercalifragrelisticespielladotious?

A word made up in a song by Disney. The real longest word in English is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Is abstrotellcaphobia the longest word in the world?

no, pneumonoultramicroscopicsillicovolcanoconiosis is the longest undisputed word in the world. it is a term used to indicate a lung disease from sillico dust. not kidding. check in if you dont believe me. however the chemical word titin (thats its short form; look it up for the full word) is the longest non-made up word, at 189,819 letters. and the longest made up word is The Blah Story Volume 19 (yes it takes up the whole book pretty much!) at 3,609,750 letters (yes! 3.6 million)

What is the definition of supercalifragilisicexpialidocious?

According to Wikipedia, the word is a nonsense word (not a real word, but made up by someone) used to describe the longest word.

What fraction of the alphabet is made up of consonants?

21 over 26

What is the longest word in the Chambers Dictionary?

PNEUMONO­ULTRA­MICRO­SCOPIC­SILICO­VOLCANO­CONIOSIS is the longest word in the Chambers, Webster's and Random House dictionaries. It is seen by some other dictionaries as a joke or "made up word purely for the purpose of inventing the longest word". The meaning of this word is "a lung disease caused by breathing volcanic dust".

What is a sentence with the word consoant?

The letter c is a consonant.The consonants ch make a distinctive sound different from the consonants th.Consonants and vowels make up words.

Is the word Anagram a vowel or a consonant?

The question you asked does not completely make sense, as a word cannot be catagorised in one or the other. In the alphabet there are five vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and all the other letters are consonants. So in answer to your question, Anagram is made up of both vowels and consonants. Hope this helps

Is euouae a word?

Yes it is a word. More specially, it is a mnemonic. It was used in medieval music. It is the longest word in the English language which is made up of nothing but vowels.

Is the word square a vowel?

No,a vowel in the English language is a letter. There are five, a,e,i,o, and u. These letters are connectors for the consonants. Together, consonants and vowels, make up words. The word square has two vowels, a and e.