

Best Answer

-- Any latitude number must be accompanied by the tag 'north' or 'south';

otherwise nobody can tell which side of the equator you're talking about.

-- There is no such thing as a latitude greater than 90 degrees, on either side

of the equator.

-- Even with a legitimate latitude, there is no such thing as the 'opposite side

of the Earth', since every latitude is marked by a circle that exists all the way

around the globe.

-- If there were such a thing as the 'opposite side' from the latitude you named,

wouldn't you expect it to be another latitude, rather than a longitude ?

Otherwise, it's a fine question, thought provoking, intellectually challenging, and

intriguing in its own right.

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14y ago

35 degrees west longitude.

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How many degress of longitude is the earth divided?

360 degrees. Longitude runs from 180 degrees East to -180 degrees West.

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There is no such coordinate anywhere on the face of the earth. Longitude numbers run from zero to 180 degrees east or west.

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Travelling all the way around the Earth from the the Prime Meridian (0°) takes you in a circle of 360°Therefore, at the exact opposite side of the Earth as the prime Meridian is 180°.Longitude is measure from 0° to 180° either East or West of Greenwich so it ends at 180°.

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It's a description of a single point on the surface of the earth. The point is in northeastern Turkey.

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The degree of longitude east of 5 degrees west is 4 degrees west longitude.

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The 60 degrees east line of longitude runs through the Ural Mountains.

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There is no 200 degrees of longitude. There is 180 degrees west of the Greenwich Meridian and 180 degrees east of the Greenwich Meridian. All degrees of longitude on earth converge at the South and North Poles.

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There are 180 degrees of latitude between 45 and 40 degrees east longitude. However, if you meant how many degrees of longitude are there, there are 5 degrees of longitude between 45 and 40 degrees east longitude.

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No point in Pennsylvania is at 78 degrees east longitude.