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I believe the softest audible sound would be about 0 decibels. Therefore, take the logarithm (base 10) of 22 trillion, and multiply the result with 10.

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Q: What is the loudnes in decibels of a sound 22 trillion times as loud as the softest audible sound?
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What is the softest sound you can hear?

a byttterfly

Is HB 2 the softest lead pencil?

I don't quite understand what you mean by HB-2 pencil but if you mean HB pencil / #2 Pencil it is not the softest pencil. Pencils scale from 9H to 9B, (HB in the middle) and 9B would the softest and darkest pencil there.

Can you squish gold?

yes the metal is the softest on earth and and can be squished only when its 1 cm thick or thiner

What is associated with the loudness of sound waves?

Loudness is affected by parameters other than sound pressure, including frequency and duration. In acoustics volume is related to amplitude, sound pressure, and dynamics.The loudness of a sound can be measured by a sound pressure level meter. It belongs to psycho acoustics.Loudness is a subjective measure, which is often confused with objective measures of sound prtessure such as decibels or sound intensity. Filters such as A-weighting attempt to adjust sound measurements to correspond to loudness as perceived by the average human. However, as the perception of loudness varies from person to person it cannot be universally measured using any single metric.There is subjectivly perceived loudness (volume), objectively measured sound pressure (voltage), and theoretically calculated sound intensity (acoustic power).Scroll down to related links and look at "All about loudness".

What scales are used to define the hardness of PVC?

Janka wood hardness scale - The Janka rating is a measure of the amount of force it takes to push a .444" diameter steel ball half way into a piece of wood. The speed of growth of a tree can effect the Janka rating.