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Q: What is the lullaby for the dog on poptropica mythology island?
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Who is Cerberus in Poptropica?

the cerberus is a 3 headed dog on mythology island on poptropica

What is the tune you have to play for the under water beasts on Poptropica?

if you mean in mythology island, you dont play a tune for the hydra thats only for the dog you have to jump on their heads if you need help just go to youtube and type in poptropica cheats mythology island

How do you beat will in a race in The dog island?

their is no dog island on poptropica!

Where to get a hot dog on Poptropica?

You can get a hot dog on poptropica in super power island in the city park

What do you do when the dogs are asleep in mythology in poptropica?

you go the the dog and click on it so you can get its whisker

Where is cibrus in Poptropica?

the cerburus is the underworld but first you have to go to hades temple and cross the river of souls

Where is the dog Cerberus located in Poptropica on Mythology Island?

Cerberus is in the underworld. You get to him by going on the boat ride across the river. But you have to watch out because if you fall in you have to start all over again.

What is the walkthrough for dog days island?

There is no dog days island. The island in Poptropica is Wimpy Boardwalk. (see related question)

There's a cat on Poptropica but how do you get a dog?

There's a dog costume in the Poptropica store, but the only dogs are on Spy Island and they are too mean.

How get to the dog on Mythology Island?

To get to Cerberus you have to cross the river Styx.

How can look like a dog on poptropica?

You need to go to Spy Island. The dogs are in the 2nd building on The Docks. Find one of the 3, and customize as it. You can get the nose, ears, and collar.(with spots) The tail is on the goat dude, and the body is on the Minotaur. ( In Mythology Island)

What do you do with the hot dog on poptropica?

at the end, you trade the hot dog for the island medallion (with ned noodlehead).