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To see whether the dogs would learn to associate the ringing of the bell, with the receiving of the food.

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Q: What is the main aim for the Pavlov's dog experiment?
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To prevent rabies.

Why did Pavlovs dog salivate to a tone?

Pavlov's dog salivated to a tone because the tone had been repeatedly paired with the presentation of food. This led to the dog associating the tone with food, triggering a conditioned response of salivation even when food was not present.

Pavlovs dog learned to respond to a bell as if the bell were food?

conditioned stimulus

What is the Meaning of trying it on the dog?

The meaning of trying it on the dog is to carry out an experiment. The experiment is usually carried on something new, something that is yet to be used.

Who was the man who did the dog experiment about food?

Ivan Pavlov

What is the aim of the experiment for Pavlov salivating dogs experiment?

The aim of Pavlov's experiment was to investigate classical conditioning, specifically studying how dogs could be conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus (such as a bell) with the presentation of food, leading to the dogs salivating to the bell even when food was not present.

In pavlov's experiment on the salivary conditioning of dog the US (unconditioned stimulus)?

In Pavlov's experiment, the unconditioned stimulus (US) was the food that naturally triggers the dog's salivation reflex. This means that the food automatically causes the dog to salivate without any conditioning.

Help to find book it is about an intelligent dog a monsterwhich is an experiment and two people helping the dog The dog was an experiment also and wanted to help the monster also.?

'Sirius' by Olaf Stapledon (1944) is a book about an intelligent dog created by a scientist and brought up with the scientist's daughter.

How did Frederick banting conduct the experiment to discover insulin?

He killed his dog

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to eat a dog

What are the aims of dogstrust?

Dogstrust aim to get every abandoned or orphaned dog a new happy home, remember, A dog is for life, Not just for Christmas.

Does a Human or a dog have a cleaner tongue?

Well, Mythbusters did an experiment, and in that particular case, the dog had a cleaner tongue.