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Q: What is the main gas found in cows burps?
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What is the main gas found in cattle burps?


Do peoples burps smell?

Burps come from the stomach where digestion give off gas. The gas is usually smelly, depending on what has been eaten.

Why does soda make you burp?

The carbon dioxide in your soda comes out of solution into a gas phase. These CO2 gas bubbles build up in your stomach and you burp. That's why you often burp after eating a meal rapidly - you swallow a lot of air. Many different gases are found in burps, though when you drink soda the majority of the gas in burps is CO2.

what environmental problems do cattle cause?

The bad news: Their burps are a real problem. Cows are ruminants, meaning that microbes in their multichambered stomachs help them digest by fermenting their food. This process produces the powerful greenhouse gas methane, which gets released into the atmosphere when they burp. ... Here, again, cows are a major culprit.

What main compound is found the rotten egg gas?

the main compounds found in the rotten egge gas are;- hydrogen-sulphur

What is the main compound found in 'Rotten Egg' Gas?

the main compounds found in the rotten egge gas are;- hydrogen-sulphur

What do burps signify in a person with diabetes?

That they have gas or are acidic and need to be neutralized by a buffer

What is a sun burp?

A sun burp is when the sun "burps" out clouds of flaming gas.

Why do burps come out?

Because the gas inside you, which is a by product of digestion, has built up.

What is the main element found in the atmosphere of a gas giant planet?

the main element found in the atmosphere of a gas giant is hydrogen, with some traces of helium.

What is the main element found in the gas giants?


Why can cows survive on gas but humans cant?

Cows can't survive on gas alone. Neither can humans. Both cows and humans need food and water to survive, not just oxygen (which is a gas we breathe).