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He was a straight up G, No Doubt

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Q: What is the main idea of calvinism?
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What was the main belief of Calvin?

The main belief associated with calvinism is the idea of pre-destination meaning a person is pre-destined before birth whether they will go to heaven or hell.

What are the main points of Calvinism?

Calvinism is a kind of Christian Protestantism. The related link will describe more specifics of the beliefs.

Which two countries was calvinism the dominant religion?

In France it was particularly influential. The French Protestant's had to escape to Germany.

Idea that God has already chosen the saved and the condemned?

Its called Calvinism......... That's wrong it was actually the 95 theses

Who developed the idea of predestination?

Calvin, of Calvinism, is commonly known for starting the motion of predestination.

Who was calvinism named after?

Calvinism was named after John Calvin

Is Calvinism a religon?

No, Calvinism is a branch of Protestant Christian theology.

What year did john Calvin create calvinism?

2009 he invented calvinism

Which were the centers of calvinism and lutheranism?

In which two countries was Calvinism the dominant religion? *

What is neo-calvinism?

Neo-Calvinism, a form of Dutch Calvinism, is the movement initiated by the theologian and former Dutch prime minister Abraham Kuyper.

Did the puritans admire the teachings of Calvinism?

The Puritans did admire the teachings of Calvinism. Calvinism was an important part of the Puritans beliefs and foundation.

What is stated and unstated main idea?

A stated main idea is when the writer of the particular piece clearly identifies what the main idea is. In contrast, an unstated main idea is when the writer references the main idea, but does not clearly name it.