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"The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien is a collection of stories that explore the physical and emotional burdens carried by soldiers during the Vietnam War. The main idea revolves around the weight of war, both literal and metaphorical, and its impact on the soldiers' lives long after the war has ended. It delves into the themes of memory, storytelling, and the blurred lines between truth and fiction.

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Q: What is the main idea of the things they carried?
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A main idea is typically supported by evidence and reasoning. Evidence can include facts, examples, statistics, or research findings that back up the main idea. Reasoning involves the logical connections and analysis that explain how the evidence supports the main idea.

What is the ISBN of The Things They Carried?

The ISBN of The Things They Carried is 0767902890.

Who is the narrator in the things they carried?

Tim O'Brien is the author of The Things They Carried

What are three characteristics of a main idea?

A main idea is the central idea of a written text or concept. The whole story revolves around this idea. Things that characterize the main idea are, its importance to the text, how well it can be supported using facts from the story, and whether the idea is bought to a close by the end of the text or written piece. To help you find the main idea of a written work, it is good to ask yourself questions about the details of the story.

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It's a revenge tragedy; it's about the idea of revenge. Of course it touches on many more things than that.

How do you consider you have carried out the main functions of your job?

You should always do the main functions of your job first. After you have finished these things, then you can do other things that may need to be done. From time to time, other things may crop up that need to be done before dong the main functions that you job consists of .

Does a main idea often suggest a paragraphs pattern if organization?

Yes, the main idea of a paragraph often determines the pattern of organization. For example, if the main idea is to compare two things, then the paragraph may follow a compare and contrast pattern. Likewise, if the main idea is to describe a process, the paragraph may follow a chronological or sequential pattern of organization.