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Q: What is the main metallic element in the core of the moon?
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Is the core of the moon like that of earth?

The moon is believed to have a metallic core similar to that of Earth, but smaller in proportion to the moon than Earth's core is to Earth.

What is the moon europa?

Europa probably contains a metallic iron core. Little information about its deep internal structure is known, but this is what scientists think.

Is the moon hollow?

No. Analysis of the moons gravity and seismic waves from small meteor impacts show that the moon is not hollow. It is made of solid rock most of the way though with small metallic core.

Can we prove the moon isn't hollow?

We already know it isn't. We know the moon's mass based on its gravitational influences. Knowing the mass and zie the the moon we can safely conclude that it is not hollow. It consists mostly of rock with a small metallic core.

Why is the moon smaller than the sun?

As objects get smaller, the ratio of surface area (heat loss to space) to volume (heat retained) gets larger. It is easier for the Moon to lose heat to space. Next, the Moon has no atmosphere to act as a blanket to prevent heat loss to space. Finally, the Moon is formed of lighter materials than the Earth proper, perhaps lighter materials from Earth. This means Earth's core has more heavy elements, that appear to actually be radioactive, heating the Earth's core.

The most abundant element on Moon?

Well, since the moon was formed from the Earth, I'd say silica or the main components of feldspars.By the way, the moon is made of anorthite.

What is the interior makeup of the moon's core?

The interior makeup of the moon's core is: melted iron.

Does mercury and the moon have a similar sized core?

No. Mercury has a much larger core than the moon does.

Is the Moon metallic?

The Moon is a ball of dusty rock; it is approximately as reflective as charcoal. However, the SIZE of the Moon, and its closeness to the Earth, and the brightness of the Sun mean that even the 4% of the sunlight that is reflected from the Moon mean that it appears to be plenty bright.

What is the earths core similar to the Moon's core core?

i believe mantle rocks from earth to core .

Is there a core to the moon?


Does the moon have a liquid core?

No it does not.