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Assuming you're alluding to a straight relationship, the roles of a man are very varied nowadays, certainly a lot more than they used to be. Back in the day the woman would be the family maker and did all the house work and cooking, cleaning etc. The man would have a job to make money and support the family.

However now it's a lot harder to presume someone's role in a relationship based on their gender, you have 'stay at home dads' who look after the kids whilst the woman is off to work, you've got families that work from home that look after the kids, men and women working together in the work place. All of which most would agree is a fantastic step in the right direction.

You can't really label what a man does in a relationship in the same way you can't really label what a woman does because the idea of gender roles has almost completely been abolished.

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Q: What is the main purpose of a man in a relationship?
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