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Q: What is the main purpose of the organization of NHS?
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The Humanity Initiative is an organization. The main purpose of Humanity Initiative is to make the world more equal socially and environmentally. The organization helps people in developing countries.

What is nhs purpose?

to kill osama bin laden

How can one file NHS complaints online?

One can file NHS complaints online on websites, such as Ombudsman and Care Quality Commission. Every NHS organization has a specific complain procedure.

What is the main purpose of data governance?

The main purpose of data governance is to create a process of handling data within an organization that assures data is high quality, and that people can be held responsible for issues that arise from altering or creating data that negatively affects the organization.

What is the main purpose for the organisation ZOA?

The main purpose of Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) is to keep the public informed of political events around the world. It has blogs and polls to get public opinion.

The main purpose of the United Nations is to .?

prevent war

What are a few examples of NHS employers?

The NHS is an organization that employs individuals in health-related fields. The list is includes, but is not limited to, doctors and other healthcare workers, staff, and financial advisors.

What is organisational mission?

an organization's mission is a generalized statement of its main purpose, often encompassing the key values which underlie those purpose and the way in which it seeks to achieve them.

What is income expenditure?

A statement that records the income and expenditure of an organization such as a charity,whose main purpose is not the generation of profit.

What is the purpose of the commonwealth organization?

The purpose of an organization is to accomplish the goals and objectives as indicated within the organization's vision statement.