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To explain what the essay will be about

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Q: What is the main purpose of the thesis statement?
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Related questions

What is purpose of a thesis statement?

to give the main idea of the essay

Write a thesis statement using the word water?

A thesis statement is something that states what the main purpose of an essay or article is going to be about. A thesis containing the word water could be "water freezes faster when it is hot".

What is the best definition of a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is the main point of an essay.

What part of speech is thesis statement?

Thesis statement is a noun phrase, consisting of the main noun statement and the noun adjunct thesis.

What is the difference between a thesis statement and an attention grabber?

A thesis statement is a sentence or group of sentences that outline the main purpose of the essay. An attention grabber is the hook to secure a reader's interest in an essay.

What is a statement of purpose is?

It is also known as a thesis.

What part of speech is Statement?

Thesis statement is a noun phrase, consisting of the main noun statement and the noun adjunct thesis.

What is thesis stament?

A thesis statement is a sentence that supports the main idea.

What is a statement of controlling purpose?

It is also known as a thesis.

The thesis statement's primary purpose is to?

explain what the essay will be about.

What exactly is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is when you get all your information or your main point that you wanted to make clear in that paragraph

Is a purpose like a thesis?

A thesis is more of the point you want to prove or make throughout the work. If proving the thesis statement is your purpose, then yes, the two are related.