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Q: What is the main reason canyon de chelly was a good home for the Navajo?
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How do you say Good morning in Navajo?

Yah'ah' teh' ah'bin'eh - Hello, good morning in Navajo

Why does the Navajo Reservation in Arizona observe daylight saving time?

Good Question! The Navajo Reservation in Arizona observes daylight savings time (while most of the rest of Arizona does not) because while the largest portion of the Navajo Reservation is in Arizona, parts of it do extend into New Mexico and Utah, both of which do observe daylight savings time. Interesting side note: If you were to travel from say, Grand Canyon east across The Navajo Reservation passing through Jeddito to maybe the Hubbell trading Post, you'd have to reset your watch five times to keep up. Reason? The Hopi Reservation, nestled inside the boundaries of the Navajo Reservation does not change time; and Jeddito is in a very small portion of the Navajo Reservation that lies within the boundaries of the Hopi Reservation.

What is a good catch phrase for the grand canyon?

The grand canyon is grand

What does wash te mean in Navajo?

Nothing, since washte is not a Navajo word. It is a Lakota word meaning "good".

How is the Grand Canyon good?


What is a good tent campsite in Arizona?

Navajo National Monument.

What is it in English to Navajo translation for hello and good morning?


Is the Grand Canyon good or bad?

the Grand canyon is a good family vacation spot. and on the way home you can go see old faithful in Wyoming! =)

How do you say have a great day in Navajo?

Death is not a good thing to the Navajo and the proper length of a human life is said to be 102 years. 25 1/4 years for each of the four parts. There is not a good day to die, and there is no Navajo afterlife. Living now into long life according to hózhǫ́ with proper k'e (relations) is what is important. The Navajo are not Lakota.

What is a good park in Arizona?

Grand Canyon National Park.

What is an example of Bluff?

A good example of a bluff is the Grand Canyon

How do say happy birthday in Navajo?

Nizhonigo nindoohah (Nizhoni meaning good, pretty or happy)