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Put simply: unbelief.

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Q: What is the main reason for the coming Holocaust?
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What is the main reason why the holocaust started?

Because hitler was sexist

What was the primary reason of the holocaust between Hitler coming to power and the holocaust itself?

Hitlers agenda was to create a so called pure arian cultural community Hence the programmes to exterminate Jews Homosexuals and Gypsies for the main part Who knows what might have happened had he won WWII ?

Was the Nazi party involved in the holocaust?

Yes, they where the main reason for it. Hitler was head of the Nazi Party.

How was the holocaust systematic?

Yes, that was the main part of the Holocaust.

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The main reason that the Chinese came to America was for the economic opportunities that existed here. They first started coming during the California Gold Rush. The main reason that the Chinese came to America was to find more economic opportunities.

What is the main reason for a long time on death row instead of hasty executions right after the death sentencing trial?

This is a debateable question -but- the main reason is the almost constant flood of appeals of the death sentence that keep coming, and coming, and coming, and coming, and coming, and........ (well, you get the idea). They are funded by groups whose purpose is to thwart the death penalty for various, ostensibly "humanitarian" reasons.

What was the main reason the Chinese came to America?

The main reason that the Chinese came to America was for the economic opportunities that existed here. They first started coming during the California Gold Rush. The main reason that the Chinese came to America was to find more economic opportunities.

Maths and social is the main topics that you want on this coming bece?

the reason why i am saying i like construction is that, i am not good of it.

What group was the MAIN target of the Nazis during the Holocaust?

The Jews were the main target in Germany. The German genocide is also called the Holocaust.

What is the quarry in the holocaust?

Jews in the main part.

Why is the Holocaust studied in schools?

The main reason is that the Holocaust is generally regarded as a key event (or series of events) in modern history. It is widely talked about, and one needs to know what it was.Some will say that another reason is make sure that nothing like it happens again. However, this reason is not as convincing as similar things have in fact happened since 1945.It is widely seen as one of the key events of the 20th century.

What is the main reason Ralph is worried about the boys not coming back to the meeting in lord of the flies?

Jack has shouted, "Bollocks to the Rules"