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Q: What is the main reason that humans need to include carbohydrates in their diets?
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Is a diet such as the low carbohydrate diet appropriate for young people?

Well, humans generally need some carbohydrate, and it can be bad to cut carbohydrates from a diet completely. However, diets with no carbohydrates tend to work really well and bring quick results.

Can Low carbohydrates diets can lead to increased fluid storage?

per gram of carbohydrate, between 3-4 grams of water can also be sequestered in the body. It's for this reason that higher carbohydrate diets can lead to fluid storage while low carbohydrate diets can lead to decreased fluid storage.

What are the best diets to lose weight without starving yourself?

One of the simplest and most effective diets is to simply count calories. You need to include a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and lean protein as well as a few healthy fats.

Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat?

The premise of low carbohydrate diets is that carbohydrates create fat. The reasoning is that carbohydrates are easily converted into energy by the body. Any extra energy is stored by the body as fat, regardless of the source.

What are some common popular diets?

Some of the most popular diets out there has to be the zone and Atkins diet were carbohydrates are and the vegetarian and vegan diets were no animal products are allowed for consumption.

Many people try to eliminate fat from their diets . Which is one reason it is necessary for humans to eat fat?

Fat helps nerves transmit signals.

Many people try to eliminate fat from their diets. Which is one reason it is necessary for humans to eat fat?

Fat helps nerves transmit signals.

Explain the risk to the individual if you do not follow specialist diets?

Diabetic patients who take lots of carbohydrates risk worsening the condition if they do not follow the special diets.

Is carbohydrates rich in fat?

yes and thats why people go on low carb diets

Should all women be put on diets?

No, there is no reason.