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Sinoatrial node, or SA node.

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Q: What is the main section of the heart that initiats the cardiac cycle also known as the pacemaker?
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What is the specialized region at the cardiac muscle that makes sure the heart never skips a beat?

cardiac cycle The sino-atrial node, otherwise known as the pacemaker.

Is the p wave part of the cardiac cycle?

Yes - On an ECG the P wave is the first wave of the cardiac cycle. It represents the Sinoatrial node which is the natural pacemaker of the heart firing and causing the atria to contract in order to fill the ventricles.

What is one complete heartbeat called?

The cardiac cycle.

What is the importance of cardiac cycle?

The importance of cardiac cycle is to sustain human life.

What is the period of time called between the beginning of one heartbeat and the start of the next?

Cardiac cycle

Does damage to the AV node decrease heart rate?

There are specialized areas of cardiac muscle tissue (1%) in the heart that are autorhythmic (self-exciting). These cells compose the CCS (Cardiac Conduction System) and are responsible for initiating and distributing cardiac (electrical) impulses throughout the heart muscle (cause the heart to beat).These specialized areas together coordinate the events of the cardiac cycle, which makes the heart an effective pump. The main area called the Sinoatrial Node (S-A Node) is found in the right uppermost atrial wall. It is called the primary pacemaker producing a rhythmically and repeatedly [60-100 per minute] cardiac impulse.Any damage to the S-A node will slow the heart rate. There is a secondary pacemaker called the A-V node. This pacemaker will continue the beat but at a slower rate.

What is a complete cycle of a heart contraction and relaxation called?

Cardiac cycle, which is made up of atrial and ventricular systole and diastole.

When do the AV valve close during the cardiac cycle?

AV valves close during the systole phase of the cardiac cycle.

What is a cardiac cycle?

Cardiac cyccle is the term referring to all of the events related to the flow of blood that occur from the beginning of one heartbeat to the beginning of the next. The frequency of the cardiac cycle is the heart rate.

What initiates the p wave?

cardiac cycle

What is the duration of the cardiac cycle?

It depends on the heart rate. You take 72 beats per minute. Then the duration of one beat is 75 per minute. Then each beat will take 0.8 second to complete. This is taken duration of the cardiac cycle. You take 100 beats per minute. Then each beat will take 0.6 second to complete. This duration will be the duration of the cardiac cycle.

Which phase of the cardiac cycle is longest?

ventricular diastole