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economic since it boycotted a busniess

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Q: What is the main type of pressure exerted by Montgomery improvement association in response to segregation on buses?
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What was the main type of pressure exerted by the Montgomery improvement association in response to segregation on bus?

they used nonviolent strikes.

What did blacks hope to gain by boycotting the buses in Montgomery Alabama?

They hoped to use economic pressure to end segregation on the buses.

When was Blood Pressure Association created?

Blood Pressure Association was created in 2000.

How can peer pressure happen?

Peer pressure can happen when individuals feel influenced by their peers to conform to certain behaviors, attitudes, or beliefs in order to be accepted or avoid rejection. This can be subtle or direct and may manifest in various settings such as school, work, or social gatherings. Peer pressure can be powerful and impact decision-making, leading individuals to engage in activities they may not have chosen otherwise.

Example of using economic pressure to bring about change?

Montgomery Bus Boycotts of the mid-50s

Can a flow meter measure my water pressure?

Yes you can use a flow meter to measure your water pressure. They are available at any home improvement retailer.

Who makes craftsman pressure washers?

Craftsman pressure washers are made by the brand Craftsman. Craftsman makes a wide variety of tools and home improvement projects.

What is one thing Rosa parks did that changed the world?

One thing Rosa Parks did that changed the world was refusing to give up her seat on a segregated bus in Montgomery, Alabama in 1955. Her act of defiance sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, which played a significant role in the civil rights movement and led to the eventual desegregation of public transportation in the United States.

What are the most reputable blood pressure monitors?

The most reputable blood pressure monitors are those made by the USDA, or the United States Data Association who make such devices as blood pressure monitors.

What is the most important indicator os successful positive - pressure ventilation in a newborn?

rapid improvement in heart rate

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Many patients who have undertaken the McDougall diet have found an improvement in such conditions as high blood pressure

Where can high pressure sodium lights be bought?

High pressure sodium lights can be bought from most home improvement and electronic parts retailers such as Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, and HTG Supply.