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Q: What is the major achievement of the United Nations since 2000 regarding peace?
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What major international agency meets has its headquarters in New York City?

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How seriously does the united nations take global warming?

The United Nations has passed resolutions regarding the threat of global warming. The seriousness of the issue depends on the individual nations. The industrialized nations mostly recognize the issue as a threat and, more or less, are addressing it. The poorer third world nations mostly feel that the problem wasn't caused by them and taking measures similar to what the major nations are doing will hamper their development of industry.

Where is the head quarters of the United Nations?

Manhattan, New York City. The united nations also has major offices in Geneva, Nairobi and Vienna.

Is France apart of the United Nations?

Yes france is a part of the united nations............... Infact it is one of the six major UN countries

What major international conflict was the united nations formed?

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Did US joined the United Nations?

The US was one of 51 founding members of the United Nations in 1945. It remains a member to this day.

How did the formation of the United Nations compare to the formation of the league nations?

Both were formed in response to a major war.

What major international agency has its headquarters in New York?

The United Nations.

The major weakness of the League of Nations was that it?

It didn't incluse the United States.