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The most common cause of a brain injury is a traffic accident. Approximately 70% of all brain injuries will be sustained in this manner. Other causes include accidents in the home and playing sport.

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Q: What is the major cause of a brain stem injury?
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The brain stem is the structure that is most likely to cause death if injured. It connects the brain to the rest of the nervous system, and also regulates functions like breathing, so an injury to it is almost certainly fatal.

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The three main parts of the brain are: - Cerebellum - Cerebrum - Medulla

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Cerebral cortex - include frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Midbrain - the limbic and basal systems Brain stem - pons, medula and cerebellum (sometimes categorized as apart of the midbrain)

What is the major issue involving the harvesting of embryonic stem cells?

The major issue involving the harvesting of embryonic stem cells is that the embryonic stem cells can cause the destruction of an embryo.

What are the three parts of the human brain?

the brain stem, the cerebrum, and the cerebellum This person is right for the two, but the brain stem is not one of the three the medulla is. There are 3 major parts but the brain stem is not the right but the medulla oblongata

What is the most rapid mechanism of death?

There is some legal dispute as to the definition of "death." This answer focuses on the anatomical definition of brain death: Death has occurred once the brain ceases to generate any neuronal activity. The fastest mechanism of death, then, would be any injury that destroys the critical centers of the brain. The brainstem plays a significant role in maintaining consciousness and controlling cardiac and respiratory functions, so devastating injury to the brain stem could cause immediate death. Any global injury to the brain, such as diffuse axonal injury, can cause a coma or death; the most severe of these injuries can cause immediate death. Of course, the most rapid mechanism of death would be the immediate and total destruction of the critical life tissues. For example, a large proximal explosion could immediately destroy the entire brain, thus causing instantaneous death.