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complete metamorphosis

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Q: What is the major changes in the structure of an animals as it develops from its early stages to become an adult?
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The archenteron, which develops into the digestive system of an animal, is formed during gastrulation, the process by which the cells of a blastula are partitioned into three separate germ layers.

How do animals become crazy?

animals become crazy due to rabies and due to some changes in the brain.

Can two embryo come from one egg?

Yes that is possible, it has happened twice to me!

Why do most species of animals become extinct?

Most become extinct because they can not adapt to changes in their environments. Those that can don't become extinct.

How do most animals become extinct?

Through evolution, loss of natural habitat and environmental changes.

What can animals with a bavckbone do that animals without a backbone cannot do?

They can grow larger, since invertebrate animals can't become bigger than some size, since their structure doesn't hold their weight after that limit without a bone structure. Vertebrate animals can also move faster.

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The state constitution

Does adaptation only happen to animals?

you must be stupid. adapt is to become comfortable with something. anyone can adapt, animals, humans, anything. adapting to changes...etc

What will happen to the animals if global warming doesn't stop?

Animals will adapt, as they always have. The fact of the matter is that Earth has been warmer in the past than it is now. The temperature of this planet is not changes on a fairly regular basis. Animals (including humans) will either adapt to the changes or become extinct.

Describe how structure of the respiratory tube change as the branches become finer?

The epithelial lining changes from pseudostratified ciliated columnar to cuboidal and simple squamous.

How does continental rifting lead to changes in plants and animals?

Continental rifting will cause plants and animals to evolve due to their changing habitats. Plants and animals that become isolated will begin to diverge and change to fit into their new ecosystems.

Would other animals become endangered if nothing changes?

If we keep on harming the enviornment, then yes, some animal species could become threatened, endangered, or maybe even extinct!