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doesn't mater all that mater is a great vvacation spot

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Q: What is the major reason that the Massachusetts colony began?
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What was the major reason Massachusetts colony began?

It served as a place for the Pilgrims and Puritans to freely practice their religions.

What was the major reason the Massachusetts colony began name the group of people who started the Massachusetts colony and name of the document they signed what was the effect of the document signed?

The Massachusetts Bay colony was established by the Massachusetts Bay Company. The Cambridge Agreement was signed in order to buy out some investors.

What major crop or industry was the massachusetts colony known for?


What did colonists grow sell and buy in Massachusetts Bay Colony?

Massachusetts Bay Colony had a major industry in Agriculture, which involced selling, buying, catching, and growing corn, fish and livestock. The Massachusetts Bay Colony also had a major industry in manufacturing, which involved shipbuilding and lumbering.

What was the first major colonized area in Massachusetts?

Plymouth Colony at Plymouth Rock was the first settlement of Europeans in Massachusetts.

What were the two major non-farming industries of Massachusetts Bay colony?

Fishing and Shipbuilding

Which middle colony did the native Americans play a major role in the colonists' survival?

The native Americans helped the people of the northern colony of Massachusetts not the middle

Problems of dissent in Massachusetts bay colonies?

Yes. These included the Separatist minister Roger Williams in 1635 and Anne Hutchinson's followers in 1637.

What jobs did slaves have in Massachusetts?

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was essentially agrarian to begin with. However, soon tradespeople began to create businesses and employment in these businesses began to rise. Some of the businesses were shoemakers, bakeries, dry goods, and transportation.

The reason why Puerto Rico has Spanish as major language?

Because it was Spain's colony for 400 years.

What are facts about the Massachusetts colony?

Jhon Winthrop was the first govoner of Massachusetts colony.English Puritans discovered Massachusetts colony in 1620.The colony was named for "large hill place".Major Cities- Boston, Qyincy, Plymouth, Salem, Lexington, and Concord.they were founded by the Puritans and Pilgrimsthey were forced to sign the mayflower compactfounded in 1620founded by puritansnamed for the massachusetts tribe (word meaning"large hill place")founded for religous freedomhome of the famous historical site of plymouth rock

Why did the other New England colonies come from Massachusetts colony?

im looking for the same frkn question. history review. major grade. lame!.