

What is the making of blood cells called?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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I don't know what the answe is to the question. I need help though on finding the answer but this website wont answer it for me. I guess that I'll need to try a different website because this one is getting on my nerves about it not answering my question. I mean isn't this website supposed to do that for you, not just let you figure it out on your own. It's making me figure it out on my own when I need help with finding out the answer. If you like this webpage then your weird. But if you don't like this webpage then good job because it doesnt help you. It will help you on some questions (this website) but besides that it's like uuhhh.

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What is the making of blood cells?

Water is the biggest "substance" in making blood. Blood is about 97% water.

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The round cells that move in the blood capillaries are called RED BLOOD CELLS.

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Red blood cells are also called erythrocytes

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In the Nucleus there is a process called photosynthesis and when this happends white blood cells explaned thus making starch

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Red blood cells have a protein known as hemoglobin that is rich in iron making it good candidate to transport oxygen from the lungs to the body.

What are blood cells and nerve cells called?

red blood cells and a nerve cell.

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning the formation of blood?

well the making of blood cells is called hematopoiesis...but I don't know about any suffixes.

The blood cells that contain hemoglobin are called?

Red Blood Cells

Why is bone marrow known as the factory for making blood cells?

Because that's where blood cells grows.

What are The ancestors of all blood cells are called?

The ancestors of all the blood cells are called hematopoietic (blood forming) stem cells.

What is whole blood minus the cells called?

While blood without cells is called plasma.

How do blood cells travel?

Blood cells travel to and from the pump called the heart by way of the blood vessels called the arteries and veins.