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Q: What is the mane of the song that you can write the third verse to in order to win a free poster?
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What is the name of the song that you can write a third verse to in order to win a free poster?

a frag

For English Language Arts (ELA), can you write a haiku a haiku is a poem but for the first verse the number of syllables is 5, the second verse has to have 7 syllables, and the third verse for the number of syllables is 5. Can you write any kind of haiku?

Title: Moon Bright, the near-full moon. Craters loom like gray flowers. Listen: Crickets call.

How do you make a poster on water pollution?

You find images from google with dirty water, and write WATER POLLUTION with artwork somewhere on the poster.

How do you write save a girl child in a poster?

plzzz save the girls

Cite some ways on how to write a paragraph about the poster?

Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts! How would you explain this poster to your friend? What does the poster mean to you? If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

How do you write a free verse poem?

with ya mum!!

Is a concrete poem like free verse?

Depnds on how you write it.

How do you write ayah in Arabic?

Translation: Verse/Ayah (آية)

What are the rule of free verse?

There are no rules for free verse unless your assignment says otherwise. You just write what comes to your head.

How you make a wanted poster from one piece?

You find a wanted poster from One Piece and you trace over the paper. Draw anyone who you want and write the name and bounty.

What type of poetry did carl sandburg write?

He mainly did free-verse

What kind of poem does a poet write outer space?
