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That depends. The smallest black holes known are generated by the collapse of massive stars, so the holes themselves tend to be rather massive--on the order of the mass of a star.

Most galaxies contain black holes that mass hundreds of thousands to billions of times that of our sun. Sagittarius A, our Milky Way's black hole, is a little over four million solar masses.

It is possible quantum black holes formed during the big bang. These would have been tiny singularities, with masses measured on the atomic scale. Stephen Hawking demonstrated fairly effectively such black holes would have preferentially absorbed charged particles from the quantum foam, bleeding mass until they evaporated. It is unlikely any would now be left from 13.7 billion years ago.

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8y ago

It depends on what black hole you are referring to. Stellar black holes range in mas from 3 to about 30 solar masses. Supermassive black holes have millions to billions of solar masses. The black hole at the center of our galaxy has about 4 million solar masses.

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8y ago

One candidate for the title of biggest known black hole might be the supermassive black hole in the NGC 1277 galaxy in the constellation Perseus, weighing in at around 17 billion solar masses, the largest or heaviest discovered to date.

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13y ago

The mass of black holes vary greatly. Some are very small, some very large. However, a small black hole is very general and even small black holes have greatly varying masses.

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whats the biggest black hole?

The most massive known black hole in the universe is OJ287, with a mass of 18 billion Suns. See related link for more infrmationthe biggest black hole is the hs1946+7658

What happens to a mass when it is swallowed by a black hole?

The object swallowed by the black hole is destroyed; its mass is added to the mass of the black hole.

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Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

How can the mass of a black hole can be measured?

The mass of a black hole can be measure by the effects of its gravity on surrounding objects.

Do Black holes suck in all Matter?

No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.No; I am not in a black hole yet.A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

How big do event horizons get?

Assuming you mean the event horizon of a black hole (there are other types as well), the diameter of a black hole as measured by its event horizon is directly proportional to its mass. The larger the mass, the larger the diameter. Thus, as a black hole's mass increases, it will get bigger. The only limitation is how much mass a black hole is able to incorporate from its surroundings.

What becomes of energy when it is sucked up into a black hole?

Such energy has a mass equivalent (m = e/c2). Any such mass falling into the balck hole will increase the mass of the black hole.

What has mass but no volume?

a black hole

Does the hole in a black hole expand the older the black hole gets?

No. If no matter enters a black hole it will actually slowly lose mass and shrink via Hawking radiation. A black hole will gain mass if matter fals into, which will cause the event horizon to grow.

How is the formation of a normal black hole different from the formation of a supper-massive black hole?

It is not yet known for sure how a supermassive black hole acquires the enormous mass it has. It is possible that it starts as a normal black hole, and then gets more mass. It is also possible that from the start, a much larger amount of mass than in a normal black hole collapses.

What happens to planets when they get sucked in black holes?

A planet that falls into a black hole would get completely destroyed. Its mass would be added to the mass of the black hole.

How strong is the black holes gravitational pull?

The strength of a black hole's gravity depends on the black hole's mass and how far your reference point is from the center of mass.