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Q: What is the mass ratio of sugar to oats if their volume ratio is 2 to 3?
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Related questions

How was mass measured in past?

with oats

How many grams equal a cup?

They are not directly compatible as one is a measure of mass the other of volume. The amount would vary with the density of the substance.

How do you make hot cereal?

Get some Quaker Oats, boil water, add water to the oats, add fruit, sugar to the oats and you have hot cereal. If the oats are took thick add more water until you get it just right.

How many cups of oats equals 50 grams?

One cannot say. A gram is a measure of mass. A millilitre is a measure of volume. The two measure different things and,according to basic principles of dimensional analysis, conversion from one to the other is not valid. If you are not convinced, consider 50 gram of of air. How many ml? Next consider 50g of lead. How many ml? The volumes of two equal masses will be very different. So there is no direct conversion between mass and volume: you need to know the density of the substance to enable you to carry out the conversion.

What does reindeer taste like?

They like oats and cereal carrots, hay and sugar.

Is bushel a math term?

A bushel is a unit of dry volume and is used as a unit of mass or weight. So a bushel of oats in the USA is equal to 14.51Kgs, in Canada 15.52Kgs. The name derives from the 14th Century, meaning a Box

A Scottish field crop?

Oats, Barley Oats, barley, wheat, rape seed for oil nowadays is a big crop. Potatoes, swedes, carrots and sugar beet.

What can you substitute for quick cooking oats in apple crisp?

Most cooks have quick-cooking oats in the pantry, but they can be replaced by ordinary rolled oats (oatmeal.) Other sorts of crumb topping can be used in place of oats, such as a mixture of flour, butter, sugar and cinnamon, or coarsly chopped nuts.

What are the contributions of oats?

Oats are very good for a person, you get serving of whole grains and intern you get much needed fiber. Oats are also a very good source of selenium. Oats will make you calmer. Although people have to be careful because many big brands who sell them added sugar to it which is not benifical.

What is the main ingredient in flapjacks?

Oats. There's also butter, golden syrup and demera sugar.

5 plants the Europeans introduced to the Indians?

rye, radishes, beets, sugar cane , and oats

Which british cereal has the most sugar in 100g?

According to The Daily Green, the top 10 kids cereals with the most sugar, in descending order are: Kellogg's Honey Smacks Post Golden Crisp Kellogg's Froot Loops Marshmallow Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch's OOPS! All Berries Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch Original Quaker Oats Oh!s Kellogg's Smorz Kellogg's Apple Jacks Quaker Oats Cap'n Crunch's Crunch Berries Kellogg's Froot Loops Original They all contain over 40% sugar by weight.