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pedow curva

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Q: What is the material inside the cell membrane not including the nucleus called?
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Related questions

What are organisms that do not have a membrane bound nucleus called?

Organisms that do not have membrane-bound organelles, including a nucleus, are called Prokaryotic.

What is the material between a nucleus and cell membrane?

It is called cytoplasm.

Is a gel-like material between the cell membrane and the cell nucleus?

The cytosol. This material with all the organelles that are between the cell membrane and the nucleus is called the cytoplasm.

The cell material lying between the nucleus and cell membrane is called the?

Is the cytoplasm.

Unlike in a animal call the genetic material in a bacteria cell is not found in a?

Bacteria belong to a group called prokaryotes which have no membrane bound genetic material (a nucleus).

What surrounds the nucleus to hold genetic material of a cell?

A nucleus has a membrane around it that is very similar to the cell membrane. It is called the nuclear envelope and it is a porous double membrane that separates the nucleoplasm from the cell cytoplasm.

A jelly like material outside the nucleus but inside the cell membrane is called the?


What contains a eukaryotic cells genetic material?

The nucleus holds the cells genetic material in eukaryotes. The genome of eukaryotes is sequestered to a membrane bound organelle called the nucleus. The nucleus is the site of replication and transcription.

What is it called if the nuclear membrane is not present in the nucleus?

If the nuclear membrane is not present in the nucleus it is called untrue nucleus, prokaryotic feature.

The fluid like material and associated organelles located between the nucleus and the cell membrane of a cell is called the?


What are the fluid-like material and associated organelles located between the nucleus and the cell membrane of a cell called?


The fluid-like material and associated organelles located between the nucleus and the cell membrane of a cell is called the?
