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Q: What is the material that is found beneath soil horizon c and that is broken down into soil is called the?
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What molten material is beneath earths surface?

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The bony material beneath the enamel of the teeth is called dentin. It is similar in makeup to bone, but is more dense.

What are the three steps of soil horizons?

The A horizon, the uppermost layer in the soil profile, often is called the surface soil. It is the part of the soil in which life is most abundant in such forms as plant roots, bacteria, fungi, and small animals. It is the part in which organic matter is most abundant. The B horizon lies immediately beneath the A horizon and often is called the subsoil. Lying between the A and C horizons, it utilizes the properties of both. Living organisms are fewer than in the A horizon but more abundant than in the C horizon. THE C horizon is the deepest of the three major horizons. It consists of the loose and partly decayed rock beneath the A and B horizons. The rock material in the C horizon is of the same kind which now forms the bulk of the soil above it.

Which soil layers comprimise soil layers?

Soil layers are called soil horizons. Typically, a soil includes an A horizon, a B horizon and a C horizon. In laymen's terms: A horizon = topsoil B horizon = subsoil C horizon = parent material (the stuff in which the soil formed)

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Jupiter is covered by an ocean of hydrogen with a sludge-like consistency

Magma is molten material that forms .?

Magma is molten material that when cooled forms a solid called igneous rock

What is the name given to material orbiting the event of a black hole?

Event horizon, not event - and it's called the accretion disk.

Which horizon contains the most humus?

soils have different layers present in it as the depth increases. These layers are called horizons. Humus as we all know is present in the top layer of the soil,which is several inches in thickness and is called A horizon.

What is it called where the sky and sea appears to meet?

the answer is horizon

What is soil horizontal?

its called a horizon horizon