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It's a Male!

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Q: What is the maximum amount of eggs a roster can usually lay?
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When does an female have the maximum amount of eggs cells?

when their born

Can you tell the difference in the eggs if its a roster or hen?


What is the name of a hen that cant lay eggs?


How long does a roster have to be with a hen for fertile eggs?

Not even a minute!

Can hens lay eggs without roosters?

Yes they defiantly can :) I have 3 Hens no Roster here and we get eggs daily

How many babies does ostrich have?

Each ostrich usually lays a different amount of eggs. On average, an ostrich lay about 11 eggs that will hatch.

What makes a hen lay eggs?

Hens lay eggs based on the amount of sunlight they receive. They usually begin the process in the early morning when daylight is crowning.

How many eggs do chickens lay during weekly?

The maximum amount of eggs a female chicken can lay in a week is 7. Most hens do not lay one egg per day. The breed of the hen will determine how many eggs per week it will produce.

How many babies does a ostrich have?

Each ostrich usually lays a different amount of eggs. On average, an ostrich lay about 11 eggs that will hatch.

Does orstriches lay thousands eggs at a time?

No, not thousands. The amount of eggs a female ostrich lays a year varies from 40-100 eggs, with an average of 60 eggs per year. An ostrich usually lays around 12-15 eggs at one time.

Do you need a roster for hens to lay eggs?

No,they lay eggs by them selfs but if you want CHICKS you need a roster to mate with thus they have chicks not eggs the normal ones.No, a hen will lay eggs regardless of there being a rooster so long as she is kept comfortable and happy with a safe quiet place to lay her eggs. A rooster is needed if you want to breed more chickens since he will fertilize the eggs.

Do the eggs that make you pregnant finish?

Women are born X amount of eggs (ovum) that are released on a 28 day (usually) cycle from puberty until menopause. After menopause no more eggs are released and any remaining are non fertile.