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Q: What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water?
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What should be the correct temperature of running water which is used for thawing?

It depends upon what you are using it for. I generally use room temperature water for cooking.

Is thawing chicken at room temperature acceptable?

Frozen chicken should be thawed in the refrigerator. Thawing chicken at room temperature can promote the growth of harmful bacteria.

What 2 agents of weathering would be rare in a desert?

running waterfreezing and thawing

Can cells be perserved by freezing?

Freezing and thawing can destroy the cells, and this is not a processed used to preserve them. They can be preserved by cryopreservation by lowering the temperature to -196F.

What does thawing do to cantaloupes?

It tastes worse after thawing and is more soft.

How long will frozen meat stay good outside of refrigerator?

Once the meat is fully thawed and at room temperature the max is four hours. Because the meat is frozen you have alittle extra time while it thaws. It is hard to tell when the meat has reached room temp so it's best to thaw it in the refridgerator.

Freezing and thawing are examples of?

Freezing and Thawing is an example of Mechanical Weathering.

What is freezing an thawing?

Freezing is lowering temperature so that a liquid turns into a solid. Thawing is the opposite - warming a solid until it turns to liquid. Where foods are concerned, it's the liquid part of the food that makes it go solid and hard when frozen, and softens the food when thawed.

What is wrong with thawing out shrimp in a sink of hot water?

Most thawing instructions I have seen for shrimp is to not quick thaw under running water. That can make the shrimp pick up water and literally water-down the flavor. Hot water thawing is not recommended for the same reasons and could result in even more water absorption. Usually, though, the main concern with thawing out food in hot water is that the outside gets warm enough to grow bacteria before the inside thaws.

What is physical deterioration?

The Change in volume of structure due to temperature variation,freezing and thawing,unexpected deformations cracking etc.,causes physical deterioration.

How does thawing and freezing of water cause weather?

by the coldness of freezing and the warmness of thawing

What is a reason for not thawing food at room temperature?

yes,but it will take a while its better to leave it under cold water for about 8 mintues