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Q: What is the maximum weight load on a 40ft container?
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How much does an empty 40ft container weigh?

40 x 8.5 = 2800lbs on average 40 x 9.5 = 3900lbs on average

what is the maximum weight load for this rack?

This rack does not have a maximum weight load listed as it is only for accessories such as jump ropes, cables and bar handles.

How do you calculate the maximum weight of a swing from the working load weight?

If a swing has a working load of 300 pounds and the rotation hook has a working load of 1000 pounds, what is the maximum weight of a person that would be allowed on the swing?

What does empty weight stand for?

Volume inside of a container or transportation vehicle. If the weight of the container or vehicle is known, you can weigh it and determine the weight of the load.

What is the maximum weight you can have on a Yamaha pw80?

40KG is the maximum rider weight or total weight/load according to Yamaha's owners manual.

What does gross weight mean on a bill of lading?

If a shipping container is marked with a gross weight, that is the total weight of the load, including all packing and the container. - - - - - The importance of the Gross Weight report on the bill of lading is, there are load limits on all highways in the United States. The load limit for a truck is, nationwide, 80,000 pounds. (It is possible to get an overweight permit, but without one 80,000 is maximum.) The most weight you can comfortably carry is about 44,000 pounds; if the shipper hands you a bill that claims 50,000 pounds of freight you better ask him to take some off.

Is a crane's working load the maximum weight it is able to lift?

The maximum load that the crane can lift is 18 metric tons (39,690 pounds), but the crane cannot lift that much weight if the load is positioned at the end of the jib. The closer the load is positioned to the mast (center of rotation), the more weight the crane can lift safely.

If you pack your vehicle full you should?

Reference your owner's manual for maximum load weight.

How much weight can your floor support?

650 pounds is the safest maximum load

What is the maximum load rating for this weight plate tree?

This weight rack will reliably hold up to 300 lbs.

What is the maximum weight this item can bear?

This column is designed to withstand the maximum load capacity of all the Peerless mounts it is compatible with.

What is the maximum weight that this mount can handle?

The max load weight for this unit is 20lbs, and the recommended display screen size is 24".