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Q: What is the mead of does it stink like rotten meat?
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Is this a rhythm Does it stink like rotten meat?


What does the phrase stink like rotten meat mean?

It means it really smells bad. Another meaning of "stink" might be to "smell bad" as in to seem suspicious.

Why do flowers smell like rotten meat?

That they need to attract pollinating beetles or flieswith this particular scent is why certain flowers smell like rotten meat.

What do people smell like?

get 600 rotten eggs and add rotten meat

Can you identify Harlem poem five similes in the poem?

the five similes of harlem dream are dry up lie a raisin inthe sun,fester like a sore-and the run,stink like rotten meat,crust and sugar over-like a syrupy sweet,sags like a heavy load

What insect is responsible for pollination with a stinky Odor?

There are some foul-smelling flowers that smell like rotten meat. And what are attracted to rotten meat? Flies. Flies are everywhere and especially around dead animals that is rotten because rotten flesh is the best habitat for the larvae of a fly (maggot).

What happens to dreams deferred?

"A Dream Deferred" by Langston Hughes What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode?

What is rancid meat?


What was the meaning of a lazy young man is like a foul smelling meat?

It means they both stink.

What did the Tudors do to meat to stop it going rotten?

Spices so the meat didnt rot. The tudors thought if they used spices you wouldn't taste the rotten meat

What color is rotten meat?


Do crocodiles eat fresh or rotten meat?

Yes, meat such as animals on a riverbank or birds in branches.