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This is a literal phrase, with neither symbolism nor great historical referent other than the pre-indoor Plumbing era. The phrase enjoins the baby washer not to lose the object of the exercise through misguided zeal or haste.

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Q: What is the meaning of 'Don't throw the baby out with the bath water'?
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How do you annoy animals on sim animals?

Throw it in water or if it just mated throw its baby. Hope I helped!:)

What will not break if you throw it down a high building but will if you put it in water?

a baby

What happens if you eat a water baby?

What will probably happen is that he/she will probably throw it up or if not ask a Doctor.

What does baby slips out with the bath water mean?

It's "throw the baby out with the bath water" and it means to discard something useful along with the un-useful things you were trying to get rid of.

Why do baby hamster scared to drink water?

they are not if they had fur they can drink water but they are not scared. YOU SHOULD KNOW. ^ I dont understand still ._.

What does the saying 'don't throw the baby out with the bathwater' mean?

when you start making those people redundant make sure you keep the best - don't throw the baby our with the bathwater.We use this expression when we want to keep the valuable things when we get rid of the things we don't want. It is usually used in the negative to mean that we don't want to throw out the good stuff when we throw out the bad stuff.This expression has the extended meaning of causing a project to achieve the opposite of its intent by focusing too closely on inflexible procedure and regulation. For example, if the safeguards against election fraud prevent some legitimate voters from casting their vote, then we have "thrown the baby out with the bathwater."Example dialogue:Two friends are talking about making changes to a personal website.A: I'm going to make some changes to my website soon.B: Oh really? What kind of changes? You're still going to keep the old pages, aren't you?A: Yes, of course. The old pages will still be on the site.B: Oh, good. I don't want you to throw the baby out with the bathwater.This originated back when everybody in the house had to take a bath out of the same water, the oldest would start first. Resulting in the baby to be the last one to take a bath...The water would be so dirty that they would say "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water"It just means be careful. You wouldn't throw your baby out with the bathwater would you? NO. The baby signifies something of great importance. The bathwater signifies the less important subject in the matter. When you have a good thing going, don't ruin it, think twice before you throw it all away.

Can a baby rabbit get sick when it gets in water?

yes it probly could but couldint enyway dont do it

What does it mean if he ask for something and ends it with baby?

Baby meaning child or baby meaning like a nickname? Baby (child): He wants a baby or doesnt want a baby. Use context clues. Baby (nickname): He obviously wants something, so he;s sugar-coting his questions, trying to be sweet and cute. If its something you don't want to do, then dont do it. Hope this helps. ~Minimini<3

How do you look after your baby water snails?

you can look after them by making shore they dont over populate the tank by not feed them loads.

How does water affect your menstrual cycle?

If you get pregnant your baby will have no bones and just be filled with water and blood that will explode with in 10 minutes so dont try it!

how to make a baby?

There is plenty ways but some ways make them cry so be careful some are tricky.....1make a stupid face 2 show the baby the face and if that dont work then have someone throw a pie in your face it was hard for me to make a baby laugh or just have faith god will tell you

How do you get a time out on baby bottle pop?

throw stuff