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The sentence in Latin has to do with burial and funeral customs. For the English equivalent of 'Postquam hominis corpus in terra est positum dictum est sit tibi terra levis' is the following: After a human body is laid in the earth, one says, May the earth lie lightly upon you. The word-by-word translation is as follows: 'postquam' means 'after'; 'hominis' means 'human'; 'corpus' means 'body'; 'in' means 'in'; 'terra' means 'the earth'; 'est' means '[it] is'; 'positum' means 'deposited, placed or put'; 'dictum' means 'said'; 'sit' means '[it] may be situated or lie'; 'tibi' means 'to you'; 'levis' means 'lightly'.

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Q: What is the meaning of 'Postquam hominis corpus in terra est positum dictum est sit tibi terra Levis'?
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