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Q: What is the meaning of Both Deviant and illegal?
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What is the meaning of deviant?


When does a deviant act become a crime?

when someone breaks the law.

What is the significance of the passage's last sentence?

It means behaviors can be deviant while not being illegal.

Can something be illegal yet not deviant?

Yes, something can be illegal without being considered deviant if the behavior is not seen as going against societal norms or values. For example, jaywalking may be illegal in some places but not necessarily seen as deviant by the general public.

Filipino deviant behavior?

Some examples of deviant behavior in Filipino society may include corruption in government, illegal drug trafficking, and violence or abuse in relationships or communities. These behaviors deviate from accepted social norms and values, and can have harmful effects on individuals and society as a whole.

Can all deviant acts be defined as criminal yes or no?

CANNOT be answered with a yes or no. Too broad a question. Define "DEVIANT ACTS." "Deviant" to who? Morally deviant? Criminally deviant? Religiously deviant? etc . . . (????)

When was Deviant UK created?

Deviant UK was created in 2004.

It is deviant for the government to have such inequality?

do you think it is deviant for our government to have such inequality?

When was The Deviant Strain created?

The Deviant Strain was created in 2005.

Which of Merton's five modes of adaptation is not a deviant response?

Conformity is the mode of adaptation in Merton's strain theory that is not considered a deviant response. In this mode, individuals accept both cultural goals and institutionalized means of achieving them.

Is riot a form of deviant behavior?

Yes . Depends how you define 'deviant'. Some cultures use 'deviant' only for sexual deviance.

What is deviancy?

Sexually it is a deviation from accepted sexual behavior.