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Pan-disciplinary social theory refers to a theoretical framework that integrates multiple disciplines in the Social Sciences to understand complex social phenomena. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of different fields such as sociology, psychology, anthropology, and economics to provide a comprehensive analysis of human behavior and society. This approach encourages collaboration and the synthesis of diverse perspectives to generate more holistic and nuanced explanations of social issues.

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How is the pan de sal and yema symbolic of this conflict to what extent food is marker of social class?

Pan de sal and yema are traditional Filipino foods that often represent different social classes. Pan de sal, a common bread roll, is typically associated with the working class and is eaten daily by many Filipinos. Yema, a sweet custard-like dessert, is often seen as a more indulgent treat enjoyed by the higher social classes. The contrast in these two foods can symbolize the disparities in social class and access to food resources within Filipino society.

What is true about pan africanism?

Pan Africanism was a human rights movement. It fought for important issues concerning the African diaspora.

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There is a surname "Pan" in Bengali communities, but it does not specifically indicate membership in a scheduled caste. Surnames in India can be used by multiple communities and castes, so it is not accurate to assume caste based solely on a surname. Scheduled caste status is officially recognized by the government based on specific criteria.

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Who are the key person in afro Asian?

Key figures in Afro-Asian relations include leaders like Kwame Nkrumah from Ghana, Gamal Abdel Nasser from Egypt, and Jawaharlal Nehru from India. These leaders played significant roles in fostering pan-African and pan-Asian solidarity during the 20th century as they worked towards decolonization and independence in their respective regions.