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"Seattle Pi" stands for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. It is an online newspaper based in Seattle, Washington. The Seattle PI carries local news for Seattle, national news, and a fairly extensive comics section.

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Related questions

Does the Seattle PI have a weather section?

Yes, the Seattle PI website has a weather section. Click on the link called 'Seattle Weather' in the upper right section of the page. It is between the 'Seattle Traffic' and 'Mobile' links.

In what year was the Seattle PI founded?

Seattle was founded on December 10, 1863 by J. R. Watson and company. It was first known as the Seattle Gazette, rather than the PI. The paper didn't fare well in it's first few years and it was renamed.

Does Seattle pi have a news section?

Yes it has a news section because the seattle pi is a newspaper available at both newsstands and online. Though it may only pertain to business news as opposed to local or world news.

Is Seattle Pi a reliable source of news?

Seattle PI is a news blog that has been around for a while, I found posts as old as 5 years. At a glance it appears to be as reliable as any other news source available online.

Why do we have pi day?

We have pi day to sorta symbolize the meaning of pi. I think it is just for fun

How much numbers do pi have?

Pi is an irrational number, meaning it never ends.

What is the meaning of PI in Zodiac PI?

Private Investigator. Because she's a detective.

What is the meaning of Pi?

See the Related Link for " Pi" to the left and below for the answer.

Why is the pi called pi?

Pi is (probably) an abbreviation for a Greek word meaning "perimeter" or "periphery" ... the original source is not exactly clear.

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Is there a pattern in pi?

No, there are no ongoing patterns. There are some micro-patterns inside pi (such as 123456789) but they have no meaning.

How many bodies are missing on Mt Rainier?

65 since 1909 according to the Seattle PI "Special Reports"